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What is Quran University Project?

Quran University is a virtual university that brings teachers & students interested in learning Quran or Tajweed or Arabic language all together via the internet, through utilizing programs specially designed to learn Quran/Tajweed/Arabic.
Such University is unique in that it does not utilize third party Video Conferencing tools or programs, instead it depends totally on its self-developed programs & applications.

«Quran LMS» & «Quran University App»

Whether you dream of memorizing the whole Quran ( Hifz ), or part of it, or you simply want to only learn how to recite Quran properly ( Tilawwah & Tajweed ), “Innovative Quran LMS” desktop software, & its mobile app version “Quran University App” are the most Modern & Innovative programs especially to help you study the Holy Quran at your own home, at your own pace over the internet either alone: where you use our tools to guide you to learn on your own “Self-Study” or under the guidance and supervision of a qualified Quran Teacher “Teacher-Supervised Study”.

Soon, two new projects will be launched, One dedicated for teaching Tajweed and the second for teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.

Quran University Program & Apps enables you to communicate synchronously with your teacher, i.e. allows you to have a private Video-Conference online meeting with your teacher, utilizing our own video-conferencing tool, without the need of any external third-party software. These apps are supported by several Innovative Tools that has been specially designed to empower visual & auditory memories, making studying & memorizing Quran fun & easy.

The ability of our own software to interact with Quran verses, one at a time facilitates not only the ability of the student to recite, & memorize, but also to understand the meaning & purpose of those verses. Such capability is provided by linking the text of each verse with the relevant content of the associated Quranic library books.

Ten Features Makes Quran University Unique


1. Utilizing Asynchronous communication to overcome time barrier

Time difference between you & your teacher wouldn’t be a barrier preventing you from learning anymore. Thanks to our new invention, our (Asynchronous Communication Tool) would allow you to communicate with your teacher regardless of how far your time zones are.

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2. Utilizing internet to overcome distance barrier

Location difference between you & your teacher wouldn’t be a barrier preventing you from learning anymore. Quran University would bring you together with the elite of the best Teachers wherever they are around the globe.

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3. We don’t use 3rd Party Software: We use our own Quran LMS

Most Quran Teaching websites are merely matching sites that brings students & Quran teachers together. Then would allow them usually to use 3rd party software such as Skype for communications.
Quran University is significantly different in that regard. In the sense that it has its own unique tools that would be accessed from within Quran University LMS & Mobile Apps, eliminating the need for 3rd party software.

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4. You don’t need continuous internet connectivity all the time

Our especially designed Desktop program & Mobile Apps allows the student to study both online & offline.

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5. First & Only Quran Software worldwide that would mark the location of your mistakes on Quran pages.

Our program is the only Quran program around the world that shows the location of student’s mistakes on Quran page. It also links the marked location of the mistake with teacher’s written & verbal correction comments. So, student would be able to:

  • See his/her mistakes location on Quran page
  • Read teacher’s written comments regarding those mistakes.
  • Listen to teacher’s verbal comments regarding those mistakes.
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6. Quran University encourage self-study

All Quran University programs & applications encourage you to depend on yourself utilizing our unique & innovative set of tools that empowers Self-Study.
It also encourages you to supplement your self-study with Teacher-Supervised study, where a certified experienced teacher would track your assignments, correct your mistake & follow up your progress.

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7. Your Assignments’ registry keeps track of your performance

Quran University Apps & Software are distinguished with their capability to track student’s performance related to assignments & recording student’s progress overtime .
The software keeps a registry for each student, that records his/her assignment progress history. This registry maps the location of student’s mistake on Quran pages, accompanied by teacher’s remarks, & student’s response in attempt to correct mistakes.

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8. Unique & innovative tools to teach Quran

Quran LMS & it’s mobile Apps are supported with a set of unique innovative tools that are invented by Quran University where nobody had preceded us for using it for teaching Quran before, these tools had been invented with modern learning concepts in mind, where it aims at empowering visual & auditory memories & maximizing interactive learning. Read more

Quran Learning Tools are categorized under 4 headings;
  • Recitation & Memorization Tools Read more
    • Listen & Repeat Tools
    • Hide & Show Tool
  • Tajweed Tools Read more
    • Record & Compare Tool
    • Linking Colors to Tajweed Tool
  • Understanding Tools Read more
    • Quranic Library Tool
  • Assignment Tools Read more
    • Asynchronous Communication Tool
    • Synchronous Communication Tool

9. Best Design for Function (for studying Quran)

Quran LMS design guarantees best fit for function. Carry your mobile in your pocket, & study with us wherever you are using the best design for teaching Quran on the move.

  • Designing Desktop Quran LMS
    A unique design of 3 zones a central showing the two confronting pages of the Quran simultaneously as in the printed Quran. Surrounded by two zones containing study tools on one side, & Quranic library tools on the other side.
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  • Designing Quran University Mobile Apps
    A unique design showing a single page of the Quran. Simultaneously showing operation study tools on the lower ribbon together with the content of Quranic library. In addition to an upper ribbon allowing movement between pages & containing control panel & help tools.
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10. Flexible payment plan

Pay options can be scaled to suit your capability

  • Free of charge; self-study is always free
  • Minimum pay; teacher-supervised study utilizing Asynchronous Communication.
  • Premium pay; Adding Synchronous Communication to Teacher-supervised study.

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Learn under the Supervision of the best of the Elite Quran & Arabic Language Teachers

Certified Teachers
Accredited Teachers

You would be interacting with the elite of accredited Quran Teachers that has been certified with Ijazah, & that has practical experience in the field of teaching Quran & Tajweed. Our Arabic language teachers are specialized in teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.

Wide Variety of Teachers
A wide variety of Courses & Teachers to Choose among

There would be female teachers teaching female students, & others specialized in teaching children, & teachers with different languages capabilities to help beginners from different parts of the globe.

Affordable Prices
Affordable Fees

Flexible fees options that could be scaled to suit different student capabilities, cost could also be minimized by depending more on Asynchronous Communication & by mixing Self-Study with Teacher-based Study.


How to Study/How it Works?

What do we need to Start Studying?
A Desktop or Mobile Device
Internet Connectivity
  • You would need either a Desktop or Mobile Device.
  • You would also need a temporary & very limited internet connectivity to allow you to download our Software.
  • You can use either Quran LMS Desktop version or Quran University Mobile App, to study Quran alone & independent of any teacher (Self-Study).
  • The App would give every student the opportunity to record his/her recitation of Al-Fatiha, then would have it checked by one of our teachers for free for an unlimited number of attempts till perfection is reached.
How to Find & Join a Teacher-Supervised Course?
You need Online connectivity
Search for a suitable Teacher/Course
  • If you wish to study Quran under Teacher’s supervision, then you need to Register then Search for a teacher providing a suitable course matching your requirement.
  • Our online matching system would match your requirements to the available courses, allowing you to choose the course you prefer, & file an application to join it.
  • After joining a course/teacher officially, the student would be receiving assignments from the teacher, uploading your response & receiving teacher’s corrections & comments.